Monday, February 21, 2011

These pictures CRACK me up!

So while Anders' Grandma was here, she got Anders asleep for all naps and bedtimes.  What a nice break for me!?!  She wants to have every minute with him that she can get, and I appreciate the help.  But Anders was not going to bed very quickly for her each night.  I know on this night, it was at least a 2.5 hour process.  I wandered why he wasn't settling down and going to sleep for her, and then Wanda showed me these pictures she had taken of Anders while rocking him to sleep...

ANDERS saying:  "SUCKER!  I know how to keep Grandma here for hours, just rocking me and singing to me!"    
ANDERS:  "this is AWESOME!" (do you see his pure joy and pride?) 

Some Grandma time

Anders' Grandma (Todd's mom) showed up on Wednesday and stayed thru the weekend.  She got LOTS of quality time with Anders as I went into work Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (got caught up on something which was wonderful).  I was thrilled to have free babysitting!  We also had some fun and went to the zoo, out to eat, and to Anders' My Gym class. 

Anders with his new truck from great-Aunt Joyce...
 Grandma took these next two pictures, and I just think they are the CUTEST...

 At the ZOO: We have gone in to see the birds before, but never have they landed on our heads and arms...they were in the mood this morning and KEPT landing on us!  Luckily they didn't pick Anders, because I think it might have freaked him out.  He just checked them out from a close, but safe distance.
 Grandma with TWO birds on her head...
 The meerkat observation...
 Anders riding home & watching a DVD, loving his new minivan...(I confess, I kind of love it too)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blueberry Pancakes

Todd made us blueberry pancakes the other morning.  Anders loved them, especially when he got to dip his pieces in syrup.  He made a mess and had a blue-stained face and hands (oh, and blue on his legs too - not sure how that happended but not surprised).

Valentine's Day

Todd & I took Anders to the zoo for Valentine's Day.  I had seen the warm weather forecast and thought getting outside to do something fun together would be the perfect way to celebrate.  The animals all had received Valentine's and the zoo was decorated and festive!  It was exciting -- both the giraffes and meerkats had new babies out to show.   
 We brought Anders' wagon instead of the stroller, and here he is insisting that he pull it himself.  He was good at it, but couldn't steer very well...
 Anders telling the bird to "come here"...luckily it didn't!
 Quacking at the duck...
 Anders clapping to the loud, drumming music that just started -- we decided to move on to the carousel where the safari music was playing.
Anders riding the carousel for the second time and liking it MUCH better this time (the first time was a couple weeks ago with me and Elisa & Tripp).
 Such a big boy, headed off to explore the next thing...
 The zoo has a really great playground -- going down the slide...
 Then going down a much BIGGER slide, this is a serious slide!
 Success, he liked it!
Our sweet boy, we love you SO much!

Friday, February 11, 2011

SNOW day!

Nashville has gotten SO MUCH snow this winter.  The past several times that it has snowed, I have not gotten Anders outside to play in it.  So this week when it snowed, we both bundled up and headed out.  A few weeks ago I bought Anders a snow suit & boots on clearance at Old Navy for next year, and so I decided to go ahead and have Anders wear it.  I was glad to see that it did not fit and was too big.  Anders swam in the jacket which came down to his knees, and he clunked around in the snow boots.  
He played around on the back deck in the snow, and we sledded down the hill once (I am not as good at sledding as Daddy).  We both got cold pretty quick, and headed inside to warm our hands by the fire.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Anders & his ANIMALS

Anders has become attached to many of his stuffed animals -- he definitely loves his monkey & frog blankies (he told me so the other day), but he now sleeps with lion, zebra, monkey, kermit, and sock monkey too.  The other day he insisted on having all of them in his arms while sitting on the potty - don't worry I made sure he didn't pee on them.

 Getting a good morning kiss from Bella...

Hanging around the house

Here is Anders hanging out on the couch eating a snack and watching football -- just reading that statement makes me realize more and more that he is becoming SUCH a big boy!

 He found Daddy's baseball hat on the floor and put it on, just a little too big...