Saturday, March 13, 2010

Babies becoming friends (kind of)...

Getting pictures of all three babies happy and smiling has not happened yet, actually getting just two of them to look at the camera and have slightly happy faces hasn't happened yet either. But we will keep trying!

Anders and Paisley hung out on the tour bus with Beth & me while Daniel & Ryder watched the Kellie Pickler concert with Todd. Ryder had so much fun watching the show, lights & mix console, he was quite excited when he got back to the bus. While the guys were gone, we sat the babies next to each other and Paisley immediately lunged toward Anders and started chewing on his arm and laughing. Anders DID NOT think it was so funny though.

Ryder decided that he was going to sit right behind Anders and play his guitar (we did not stage this). So we then thought we needed to get sweet Paisley in the picture too. Anders was holding her so well, but again we failed to get all three kiddos to look at the camera. Ryder was having a great time though!

Yesterday we got Anders & Ryder matching sunglasses, both boys really like wearing them. And this morning they had on their matching PJ's, so it seemed like the perfect time to wear the sunglasses too.

1 comment:

  1. Can tell already that Anders isn't going to go for "clingy" girls!
